This work visualizes existence of the cryptocurrency and distributed ledger as origin of new social order.
The cryptocurrency is a new electronic&programmable money based on the cryptography and distributed network technology, typified by Bitcoin and Blockchain. And the visualization-of-existence means to show everything that exists, including its structure, history, future, and thought. This work is not fixed to a specific form and consists of symbolic pieces distributedly.

Caption for the above image: the original version, 2016. cyrptocurrnecy, physical bitcoin&japanese-yen, framed prints, transparent-film, lcd, wall-screen, projector, speaker, computer, internet
Some of the works are now available in the shop.
The concept and background are described in the following book, Gendai-Shiso Jan 2017.
The original version was exhibited at ICC Tokyo in 2016, as a couple exhibition with State of Empty.
Exhibition | 2019, ISEA -Lux Aeterna, Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, Korea |
Exhibition | 2018, IFVA – Award Finalist Exhibition, HongKong Art Center, HongKong |
Exhibition | 2016, Media Conscious, NTT Inter Communication Center[ICC], Tokyo, Japan |
Event | 2016, Artist Talk -New Arts, Cryptocurrency, Artificial Inteligence, with Kenji Saito and Samson Sylvain and Minoru Hatanaka, NTT Inter Communication Center[ICC], Tokyo, Japan |
Works in the project

ACOIN is one of the cryptocurrency that issued on Blockchain as an art piece, and was distributed to the exhibition visitors with free.
The name of this coin, A COIN, is an abbreviation of “It’s just a coin”. It has no value or role. But it has a protocol of currency, and it is the most essential.
Virtual Virtual Coins

‘Virtual Virtual Coins’ is a series of pieces generated by artificial intelligence which was learned all existing cryptocurrencies and legal-currencies.
I picked up only uncertain patterns as future coins from the generated images like brain scan as thinking processes of the AI.
Finding Number
The mining mechanism of Bitcoin, called Proof of Work, is materialized as a number puzzle and printed on the transparent films.
Calling Coins
All cryptocurrencies and their denominations are called in machine’s voice onto a large screen, such as Bitcoin is “BTC”.
These cheap symbols designed by individuals and amateurs represent the paradigm shift in the issuing currency.
Strange Position

The showcase compares strange positions of currencies in our society. Physical Bitcoin and JapaneseYen(=v1)/HongKongDollar(v2) are displayed with price tags including ‘Tax’.
Cryptocurrency hopes to be a currency, but the position is still like an asset or product. What does this mean?
And scanning the QR code on the tags, symbolic things related with crypto will appear on visitor’s mobile screen. Such as a thing was bought first with Bitcoin, and the organizations that defined the cryptocurrency as not real currency, etc….
The Origin

What did it start from?
The origin of COIN is ICON.
And the cryptocurrency began with this news paper. It is embedded in the genesis block of Bitcoin’s Blockchain by Satoshi Nakamoto.
Under The Moire

Twelve small devices generate data of cryptocurrencies which are in circulation now on markets. (Each of the devices consists of raspberry pi, LCD, speaker and wifi network. )
Anybody can get/buy these cryptocurrencies, but these are mostly valueless and fraudulent.
On the devices, visually uncertain text which the naked eye can barely read is showed with hiding in moire. The contents are critical matters related to crypto-culture which there are behind cryptocurrency. For example, a cypherpunk’s manifesto flows through 12 devices. Also, Genesis Block which was made as the first block by Satoshi, scientific papers of cryptocurrency and PGP which is a starting point of crypto-movement,,,,, are showed on each of moires.