空の国家 – State of Empty

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Date : 2016

This work is a system in which artificial intelligence creates its own nation-state/sovereign-country for artificial intelligence.
AI generates various elements of a state such as people, language, and constitution, etc.

As an installation, the work visualized processes of creating a state by generating artificial people, their own language and laws, their own governance through voting, and the landscapes they see.

On a large wall, processes of creating language and laws were projected, and a dozen small computers showed artificial people, with whom they talked and voted.
A table resembling a glass Go board displays a view of a state and their learning process, and an invisible player plays back the game records of AlphaGo defeating humans. (It shows how the position of a Go stone is determined by the ripples that appear when it is placed. This square glass table is a ghost Go board that plays AI activity.)

Caption for the above image: 2016, AI on computer, glass-screen, wall-screen, LCDs, projector, speaker


The first version was exhibited at ICC(NTT InterCommunicationCenter) Tokyo in 2016, as a couple exhibition with “New Order/Siren Call?”.

The concept and background of this work are described in the following book, Gendai-Shiso Jan 2017.

Exhibition2016, “Media Conscious”, NTT Inter Communication Center[ICC], Tokyo, Japan
Event2016, “Artist Talk -New Arts, Cryptocurrency, Artificial Inteligence”, with Kenji Saito and Samson Sylvain and Minoru Hatanaka, Ntt Inter Communication Center[ICC], Tokyo, Japan

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